Microsoft RDLC Report Designer for Visual Studio To install these extensions: Launch Visual Studio 2017 -> Go to Tools Menu -> Select Extensions and Updates -> In the Extensions and Updates dialog box, select the Online option -> Click in the Search Visual Studio Marketplace dialog box, top right hand corner -> Type in Report -> Press return -> Select Microsoft Rdlc Report Design for Visual Studio -> Press the Download button -> Select Microsoft Reporting Services Project -> Press the Download button -> Press the Close button -> Close Visual Studio 2017 The extensions will install Open Visual Studio 2017 SQL Server Reporting Services will be installed ___Stay Happy_____________
When I try to launch the tomcat from Eclipse, I encountered the following error Server Tomcat v8.5 Server at localhost failed to start. Solution Step 1 Delete the .snap file located at the following location eclipse workspace Path\ .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources Step 2 Delete the tmp0 folder from the following path eclipse workspace Path \.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core Step 3 Delete the server from servers list Step 4 Remove already added Tomcat Server i) Click on Define a new Server ii) Select Server Runtime Environments iii) Select the Tomcat Server and remove it as follows Remove Selected Server Step 5 Make sure that correct version of Server is configured in Project Properties Step 6 Restart the Eclipse IDE.
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