Problem Recently we migrated Hibernate to the latest version i.e. 5.4.4. Multiple depreciation warnings appeared in our code i.e. The type Query<R> is deprecated The method setString(String, String) from the type Query is deprecated The method uniqueResult() from the type Query is deprecated The method setBoolean(String, boolean) from the type Query is deprecated The method setLong(String, long) from the type Query is deprecated Solution Existing Change To import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate. query .Query; query . setLong ( "serviceId" , serviceId ) ; query . setParameter ( "serviceId" , serviceId ); query . setBoolean ( "isDelete" ,Boolean. FALSE ) ; query . setParameter ( "isDelete" ,Boolean. FALSE ) ; query . setString ( "serviceNo" , serviceNo ) ; query . setParameter ( "serviceNo"