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Showing posts with the label Oracle

Oracle 12 C - JDBC connection string to connect through Service Name

Introduction Mostly we make a connection to Oracle using JDBC through SID. Recently I have to make a connection to Oracle using Service Name. I am writing this post to share my experience. SID Connection String  jdbc:oracle:thin:@IP:1521:SID Service Name connection String  jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description=(address=(host=IP)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=(service_name=UR_SERVICE_NAME))) Replace Service Name and host address per your configuration These strings work both for plain JDBC and hibernate. For hibernate configuration, put the above string inside <property name="connection.url">Above connection String</property> tag of hibernate.cfg.xml. Conclusion In this post, we learn how to connect to Oracle using both SID and Service Name. Happy learning

JDBC – PreparedStatement– How to Set Null value?

Introduction Java Database Connection (JDBC) API allows the Java programmers to access different relational and NoSQL databases like Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, etc. It helps to store, access and manipulate the data stored in these databases. In this post, we will explore how to set the NULL values in PreparedStatement. Null String data type For String data type, it does not matter if the value to be set as a parameter in the SQL query is NULL.   Other data types like Integer, Float, Double, Date, etc. For data types like Integer , Float , Double , Date we have to explicitly call the setNull method. Example String name = null ; Long id = null ; PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("select * from person where first_name = ? and id = ?");  ps.setString(1,name); The above line will execute without throwing any exception ps.setLong(2, id); In the above line of code, since id is null, it will throw java.lang.Nul...

Oracle How to reset Sequence without dropping it

In this article, we will learn how to reset Sequence to a particular value without dropping it. Let's suppose the current value of the sequence e.g seq_person_id is 10234 and we want to reset it to 100. Step 1 alter sequence  seq_person_id increment by -10134 minvalue 0 Note : MINUS sign with 10134. Step 2 select  seq_person_id.nextval from dual Step 3 alter sequence  seq_person_id  increment by 1 minvalue 0; The sequence is now reset to 100.