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How to avoid HttpStatusCodeException using Spring RestTemplate

I have written a Rest client using the Spring's RestTemplate with the following code

 try {

              response = url,HttpMethod.POST, entity , JsonNode.class);

 }catch (HttpStatusCodeException codeException) {
       String responseBody = codeException.getResponseBodyAsString();
 } catch(Exception ex)
           ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
          JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(" { \"error\" : \"" + ex.getMessage() + "\" }" );

           response = new ResponseEntity<>(node, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR );

In the above code, I am not able to read the response body. This is the issue with the RestTemplate default error handler. In order to fix this issue, I have the following two options

a) Write my own Error Handler that implements ResponseErrorHandler
b) Write my own Error Handler that extends DefaultResponseErrorHandler

I prefer the second option as I have to only override the hasError method

public class MyErrorHandler extends DefaultResponseErrorHandler{

    public boolean hasError( ClientHttpResponse response ) throws IOException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return false;


restTemplate.setErrorHandler( new MyErrorHandler() );

I am always returning the false as I want to handle the exceptions by my own. This method can be further optimized by checking for specific HTTP Status codes.
Now instead of  HttpStatusCodeException , I will get the proper ResponseEntity<?> and I can handle it accordingly to my needs.


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